Privacy & Policy
Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us. We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties. Without your explicit consent, we use your information only for administrative and service related purpose. However, autofyBIT reserves the right to communicate with you and may send promotional offers. We view protection of user privacy as a very important community principal.
autofyBIT own the autofyBIT logo, slogan and all the trademarks, service marks, graphics and contents used in connection with autofyBIT or the web site. Your use of the website grants you no right or license to reproduce or use any of these materials. Violations will be prosecuted to the full extent of law.
Rules for All
Provide accurate information for all section
- Location & Contact information,
- Site content,
- Business profile,
- News/events.
Prohibited or restricted item display or sell
- Adult materials.
- Alcoho.
- Animals and wild life products.
- Chemicals.
- Prescription Drugs.
- Firearms, weapons and knives.
- Hazardous, restricted and perishable items.
- Human parts and remains.
- Personal information.
- Medical devices.
- Offensive materials.
- Pesticides.
Violation of rules
May result in-
- Listing cancellation.
- Termination of access privilege.
- Account suspension.
- Forfeit of deposited money